Grade 4
The C level travel teams are competitive teams for fourth graders. C level teams play as part of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Youth Lacrosse Association (SEYPLA). Players try out for positions on C level teams and are placed on teams at varying competency levels. Players playing at C levels are expected to prioritize lacrosse as their primary spring sport.
Instruction in C level practices and house games focuses on:
Core lacrosse skills
Understanding and running plays on offense and defense
Sportsmanship and fair play
Basics: Games are played on a full sized field with standard lacrosse goals. There are 10 players on the field (three each attack, midfield and defense plus a goalie). Players play specialized positions. Teams are 15-18 players.
Gear: Players wear full protective lacrosse gear (helmets, gloves, chest protectors and elbow pads). Body checks are permitted. Long poles are permitted for defense.
Practice: C level practices take place on various weekday evenings, based on coaching availability. Players typically practice two evenings per week.
Games: C level games are typically played on Sundays. Some Saturday games may be scheduled. Games are played against other SEYPLA teams in the region, usually within a one hour drive from Radnor.
Coaches: Teams are coached by some paid coaches, parents and other volunteers. High school lacrosse players also assist some teams.
Playing Time: For C level teams, playing time is earned through attending practice, working hard during practice, and training in basic lacrosse skills at home.